Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Half of you reading this blog could well be first-time viewers, so let me begin with a short tutorial on what exactly is the Blue Revolution.  I can send you to SIMPLE SOLUTIONS for Planet Earth, which has a full chapter on this subject, but let me begin with several articles published in The Huffington Post:

Here is a 20-minute clip from a gathering hosted by the Seasteading Institute (SI) in San Francisco, providing further details on the Blue Revolution, and, in particular, the Pacific International Ocean Station, proposed by Blue Revolution Hawaii.  SI recently hosted a conference in Tahiti and has found another partner in this French colony.

Joe Quirk moderates an excellent summary of what is becoming the Blue Revolution.  You spend hours/day watching television.  In a fraction of that time, by clicking on what he has titled, The Eight Great Moral Imperatives, you, too, can become a Blue Revolution Pioneer.  Joe also recently published a book:

The Seasteading Institute, founded by Patri Friedman and Wayne Gramlich, with funding by Peter Thiel, is leading the way towards a future of seaborne platforms in international waters.  They believe this future is now, and the effort should be entrepreneurial.

Blue Revolution Hawaii, working with SI, is using a more traditional strategy, with plans to design, build and operate a developmental floating city to best determine future marine economies and technologies.  We have already secured an endowment for the University of Hawaii to initiate the program.  While we, too, seek governmental and industrial funding to carry out this mission, we most seek an imaginative and dedicated billionaire to gain a legacy as the founder of the Blue Revolution, for the initial project, the Pacific International Ocean Station (PIOS), is anticipated to cost $1.5 billion

While significant, it should be noted that the International Space Station (ISS) has already cost more than $150 billion, and is expected to crash back into Planet Earth within a decade without the formation of even one company.  Thus, for one percent of the ISS, PIOS will develop a range of sustainable ocean resources in harmony with the marine environment.  In fact, two  natural benefits could well be remediation of global warming and prevention of hurricane/typhoon formation.  

The next Economic Frontier will certainly not be Mars, but the Blue Revolution, with prospects for enhancing the environment.  The ISS is one of half a million pieces of observable space junk up there, and each one cost a lot of money.

So what am I doing to stimulate progress for the Blue Revolution?  Well, for one, I am responsible for that endowment to the University of Hawaii, and a post-doc from Nihon University is soon to arrive to help initiate some research.  I recently gave several speeches touching on this topic:
  • My talks to MENSA (at their Pacific Regional Conference in Honolulu)
  • testimonial I provided in Tokyo (right) on the retirement of Tadashi Matsunaga as President of Nokodai, also known as Tokyo University of A&T.  Interestingly enough, a quarter century or so ago, Professor Matsunaga served as the first International Professor for the Blue Revolution at the University of Hawaii.  I suggested, as he now has nothing to do (which actually is not so, for he is even more involved now with too many things--former president of Japanese universities become especially important citizens) he might want to return to Hawaii to help lead this effort.

For the future, I was asked to present a talk in Las Vegas to the February World Aquaculture Society gathering, co-authored by Leighton Chong and Tetsuzan Benny Ron:

Blue Revolution Hawaii:  Proposal for a Pacific International Ocean Station.

Click on these two blog sites for more information:
While not yet organized as a real Blue Revolution activity, you can nevertheless from January of 2020 join me for a World Cruise.  Hopefully, Tadashi and Mayumi Matsunaga will be on board, for he was the one who stimulated this fantasy.  You can even help us select the cruise line:

Crystal for $30,955 could well be the Blue Revolution ship of choice.  Four months to cruise the world:

That itinerary is for 2018, so by 2020 maybe Crystal will truly go around the world...and probably cost more.  That is currently my problem, as these global journeys only feature cabins for two people.  I can barely afford myself, so a companion needs to be able to absorb her own cost.  Better yet, perhaps I'll find someone who could help subsidize my fare.  Amazingly enough, there are a few potential candidates who have progressed through either step two (join me for lunch or dinner so we can talk about it) or step three (a short cruise to determine if we are compatible).  Step one is just contact me.  Still searching for the perfect prospect, and some decision needs to be made by next year.

The key requirement for the Blue Revolution is to find that second billionaire (SI has Peter Thiel), or team of them, visionaries emboldened to develop the pathway for Humanity to ensure for a sustainable Planet Earth.  The sea around us is the most sensible and affordable setting to advance this cause, and the endeavor will only be attained with the right leadership and inspiration.
